Long-term cognitive impacts of a severe TBI

Severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which often may occur as a result of car wrecks, can lead to many different types of effects. Some of these have to do with cognitive abilities, which can negatively affect a victim’s life.Many people don’t realize just how much...

Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries Are Not Mild

Patients in Kootenai County who have sustained a head injury in a car crash or other accident are often diagnosed with having sustained a “mild traumatic brain injury.” This diagnoses may exist even in the absence of any break in the skull (sometimes called a ‘closed...

What causes visual snow syndrome?

Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS) is a perplexing neurological condition that affects how individuals perceive the world around them. While numerous factors can lead to the development of this syndrome, one intriguing aspect that has garnered attention is its potential...